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This Project Order No. 1 is entered into as of the date last signed below (the “Project Order No. 1 Effective Date”) by and between Cat City Creative DBA Project Social (“Agency”), and [BUSINESS NAME] (“Service Client”), pursuant to and in accordance with the Master Creative Services Agreement signed between Agency and Client with an effective date of June 12, 2023 (the “Agreement”).  This Project Order No. 1 defines the Services, Schedule, Fees, and other specifications for work to be completed by Agency for Client. 

TERM OF PROJECT ORDER. The period of performance for this Project Order No.1 shall begin on Monday, June 12, 2023, and shall be completed no later that (the “Expiration Date”). Any extension beyond the Expiration Date must be in writing and signed by both parties.

SCOPE OF SERVICES AND DELIVERABLES. Agency shall provide the following Services and Deliverables to Client: 

Strategic Planning  
Description: We start with a strategy to determine the best plan of action. You can also think of this as the Discovery Phase. During this meeting, we will ask questions and challenge assumptions. After the meeting, our team will research meaningful insights and package everything up in a strategy to help move forward. 
Deliverables: Strategy Plan 
Revisions: one round of revisions
Does not allow for: Copywriting or technical writing.
Fee for Service and Deliverable: $1600
Due Date for Deliverables: 2/10/2023 

Social Media 
Description: Collaborative Package: We will conduct an all-team monthly brainstorming meeting. From this meeting we will create content that we feel will get you the best results. Once your content is delivered to you, you have the freedom to add, change, or move posts around on your calendar.
Deliverables: Two-hour onboarding & discovery meeting with our team, 12 posts delivered to you monthly (photo, caption, hashtags, location, and tags, Ability to edit and change scheduled posts, Access to stock media, Ability to create new posts, Automatic posting on our scheduling platform, Monthly analytics report sent directly to your inbox, Unlimited email support from our team
Revisions: Full access to edit, add and change planned posts
Does Not Allow for: Technical writing, branding or custom graphic design outside of initial template design, photography and videography services may be purchased for additional fee 
Fee for Service and Deliverable: $475/month
Date for Deliverables: 30 days post all content and access given 

Description: Visual design for the marketing website
User Flow Analysis: Basic recommendations for information architecture and user flow based on current analytical data and the information drawn from the discovery phase. 
Wireframes: Visual representation of the website information architecture. Delivered digitally as PDF files.
Page Templates: Allows for visual design of up to five-page templates which will be used throughout the site. 
Note: multiple pages typically use the same template design. Delivered digitally both within a clickable prototype and as source files (PSD and/or Sketch).
Revisions: Allows for initial design and up to two rounds of revisions
Does Not Allow for: Technical writing, branding or graphic design, photography and videography services may be purchased for additional fee 
Fee for Service and Deliverable: $950 one page website with SEO optimization and $400 hosting fee after first year
Date for Deliverables: 6-8 weeks after all content has been received

2.4     Branding Refresh

2.4.1     Description: Your brand is so much more than a pretty logo. It is the feeling that you want to ignite in customers every time they hear or see your company name. Consistency is key in making sure those same feelings are translated over all mediums. We offer strategic branding solutions that solve problems and deliver the slingshot punch underdogs need to defeat goliath brands. We use exceptional design and strategic thinking to help companies acquire and delight customers
2.4.2    Deliverables: Services include updated brand colors, creation of an primary logo, icon, updated fonts/typography, business card design. The final deliverable is a digital and printed brand book
2.4.3    Revisions: two rounds of revisions
2.4.4    Does not allow for: Copywriting or technical writing.
2.4.5    Fee for Service and Deliverable: $3000
2.4.6    Due Date for Deliverables: 6-8 weeks from discovery 

2.5    Additional Collateral 

2.5.1     Description: Your project includes 4 custom editable templates for social media 
2.5.2    Deliverables: Graphic design using new brand guidelines to make 4 social media templates 
2.5.3    Revisions: two rounds of revisions
2.5.4    Does not allow for: Copywriting or technical writing.
2.5.5    Fee for Service and Deliverable: $150 for templates 
2.5.6    Due Date for Deliverables: 2-4 week after branding completed. 



Compensation. For all of the services described above, Client shall pay Agency a total payment of $6025 for strategy plan, social media, website, branding, and additional collateral. Any additional deliverables outside of the scope of this document will incur additional fees. Payments will be made according to the following schedule:

• 50% deposit of $3325 due upon signing this Project Order No. 1 (or upon commencement of the Services under this Project Order No. 1, whichever occurs first) the remainder of the balance of each project will be due upon completion of that project. $475 social media will be due monthly on the 1st of the month The domain will be connected upon final payment and a digital copy of the strategy will be released

Expense Reimbursement: In addition to the compensation in 3.1, Client shall reimburse Agency for the actual cost of: (a) incidental and out-of- pocket expenses including but not limited to costs for postage, shipping, overnight courier, service bureaus, typesetting, blueprints, models, presentation materials, photocopies, computer expenses, parking fees and tolls, and taxis at cost plus Agency’s standard markup of ten percent (10%); and (b) travel expenses including transportation, meals, and lodging, incurred by Agency with Client’s prior approval. Expenses will be reimbursed to the extent incurred by Agency in the performance of the services hereunder, provided that total reimbursable expenses had prior written approval of Client. 

Expense Reimbursement Documentation: Expenses submitted by Agency for reimbursement by Client shall be substantiated by proper and adequate documentation and receipts. Such expenses must be reasonable in amount, related to and in furtherance of the contract. 

Advance for Expenses. Agency may request that you provide an advance to Agency to cover anticipated expenses and will provide the Expense Reimbursement Documentation required above. Any such funds advanced shall be used only for the purpose for which the funds were requested, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Alternatively, Agency may arrange that bills in amounts over $500.00 for expenses incurred on Client’s behalf be sent or forwarded directly to Client for payment and will notify Client in writing before doing so. 

Terms of Payment: Unless a mutually agreed Advance for Expenses, receipts for authorized expenses and invoices for services must be presented to Client before payment can be made. Client shall pay Agency in accordance with Section 3.4 of the Agreement. Payment will be sent either by check or, or, upon Agency’s request and payment of the wire transfer or Federal Express fees, by wire transfer or Federal Express. 

CLIENT MANAGER AND DIRECT REPORT. Agency shall report to and receive direction from [BUSINESS NAME] as Client. Katie Weiss shall be Client’s primary contact at Agency.

TIMELINE. Client agrees to deliver feedback and/or approval within three (3) business days after Agency requests a review. If any milestone and/or delivery is delayed due to late feedback or approvals, overages will incur. In the event that Client notifies Agency in writing of delays in its project timeline, Agency may slow or stop work accordingly, and Agency will initiate scheduling a conference with Client to coordinate and determine new due dates and timelines, which shall be memorialized in writing. If Client fails to respond or places the project on hold for longer than ten (10) business days without prior notice and agreement, a new Project Order will be required to continue.

Client Content: Unless otherwise specified, Client agrees to provide all copywriting, written materials and photography relating to and required to produce the deliverables listed in 2.0.

AUTHORIZATION. This Project Order No. 1 is authorized and incorporated fully by reference in the above-identified Agreement through the signatures below. By their signatures below, each party agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions. 


Cat City Creative DBA Project Social 
4916 Camp Bowie Blvd. 
Fort Worth, TX 76116

Name:     ___________________________


Title: _____________________________

Date:     ___________________________



Signed: __________________________


Date:     ___________________________


Your time is valuable and we respect the work that you do! Emails are usually responded to within 24 hours during office hours.

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Created by Strategy Wizards at Project Social, a Cat City Creative Company.  


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